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When aligned with their glorious purpose, people create with love and joy.

And if change could be delightful? What then? 

I believe we are powerful creatures, able to feel and imagine our reality through the stories we tell ourselves about the world and our place in it. 

I use astrology, tarot, and hypnosis in a customized mixture that helps you get in touch with your innate ability to feel emotions, and bring your behaviors into alignment with your values, dreams, and beliefs. 

Astrology is ancient symbology, a complex yet accessible system humans the world over have used to understand the movement of the stars and how we as living beings move with them. In my experience, it’s acausal; it’s synchronistic; it’s a durable way to feel connection and non-attachment alike. 

Tarot is another symbolic language, using evocative imagery and the happenstance of a shuffled deck to help you tell yourself a story that you might not have otherwise told in that way.

Hypnosis is a wondrous, natural state of mind characterized by a profound state of relaxation and easy communication between the levels of your mind. Hypnosis is a skill everyone has access to. Because the context for self-understanding is therefore one of peace and comfort, change can feel fun, exciting, and empowering.

You have all that you need already inside of you.

Some of the benefits you may enjoy by working with me: 

❤️  Increase peace, ease, & enjoyment in your daily life, (re)discover your purpose, access self-compassion, and release the past. 
🎨  Align with your artistic vision, improve motivation, and find a workflow that works for you and your art. Perform onstage with comfort and ease. 
📘  Improve focus & memory, easily access calm during exams, and increase motivation.
📢  Show up for yourself the way you show up for the social causes you’re passionate about.
🌍  Be climate-conscious and climate-calm. 
🔮  Explore your own inner world, in your current and/or previous lives. 
💫  Gain an understanding of how the planets’ stories rhyme with yours. 
👼🏼  Experience personal power as a parent at any stage - before conception, during pregnancy & birth, and as your family grows. 
🏖  Accelerate physical healing, employ pain control, and regain comfort in your body.

TJ Querio: CMS-CHt,
astrologer, poet, & tarotix

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Hi, I’m TJ Querio (they/them). I was born into this world to learn, to play, and to guide others to their own shining light. I’m queer, I love cats, agendas that follow the moon, and the concept of aging. I graduated with a Liberal Arts Bachelor of Humanities degree, in which my major was Performance, in 2020. After cobbling together a Performance thesis about Imagination, Rehearsal, and Reality under less-than-ideal social distancing conditions, I found myself across a lunch table a few days before I turned it in, speaking with a wonderful woman who affirmed all of my hypotheses and musings. I had spent years treading water, gradually gaining an understanding of my conviction that imagination is the heart of the human experience, in rationally-oriented academic environments... And here she was, agreeing with me! And raising me one: I could work with her, and use the power of my imagination to heal myself. 


A synchronicity that big is easier to follow than ignore, so we started working together using hypnosis. Six months later, I was free of the grief, anger, guilt, and apathy that had plagued me for nearly a decade. It’s now been two years, and I’ve trained at the same institution that accredited that fantastic hypnotherapist who helped me rediscover the joy, curiosity, and motivation I knew I had once had, but couldn’t seem to find my way back to on my own.


I am a Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist (CMS-CHt), and I received my 500 hours of training in tele-hypnosis from the Hypnotherapy Academy of America. I am accredited in the Integral Hypnotherapy™ methodology, which has been scientifically validated through a longitudinal non-inferiority study by the NIH and is characterized by its client-centered, collaborative approach. When working with me, you are my “co-therapist.” Healing is with you. As in community art, I bring the expertise - you bring the story, and ultimately, the power. I am trained in clinical hypnotherapy, accelerated healing & pain control, and natal, inter-life, and past life regression therapies. Hypnotherapy is an adjunctive, complementary healing tool. I encourage you to use it in tandem with all other healing modalities that serve you.

I have also participated in Practicing Coaching by Olde Vechte in Ommen, NL, which helped me identify and actively engage with my skills as a coach in an embodied way. I am gentler and wiser because of this course, and re-affirmed in my conviction that healing community is more than half of healing individuals. 

I combine the power of hypnosis with the languages of astrology and tarot because they, too, have bolstered my courage, infused my actions with joy, and increased my wonder and awe that we live in this beautiful, gorgeous, incredible, wonderful world. 

I’ve lived many places, and at various times have called Leelanau, Lagos, Geneva, Ponti, and Utrecht home. I speak English, French, and Spanish (and do all my work in English for the moment).


Contact me now and set up your free consultation!

Get in touch!

Send me an email with a little bit about yourself and I'll reply to set up a free consultation. 

During the free consultation (which is about an hour), we'll get to know each other, I'll share my tools & resources with you, and you can share your problem to solve or goal to reach.


Afterwards, we'll either decide together on a plan that works for both of us, or I'll give you some names of colleagues who you might want to reach out to as well. 


If we decide to work together, we will design a coaching plan that works for both of us. This includes how often we meet, for how long, what tools we'll use, and what topics we'll start with, to name a few aspects. 

If the button doesn't magically start an email for you, and you still want to be in touch, my email is :)

Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist them in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Claire “TJ” Querio does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and their services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition. Medical support hypnotherapy is used only as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnotherapy services are provided.

the joy of you

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